Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant, skin

The Benefits of PRP Treatments for Hair and Face: What You Need to Know

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has gained immense popularity in the realm of cosmetic and dermatological treatments. This innovative procedure leverages the body’s natural healing mechanisms to rejuvenate skin and promote hair growth. Let’s delve into the benefits and process of PRP treatments for hair and face, shedding light on how they can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. PRP for Hair: A Solution for Thinning Locks 1. Stimulates Hair Growth: PRP therapy involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting this platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. The growth factors in PRP stimulate hair follicles, promoting the growth of new, healthy hair. 2. Reduces Hair Loss: For individuals experiencing hair thinning or early-stage hair loss, PRP can be an effective solution. The treatment helps strengthen existing hair, reducing hair shedding and breakage, which is crucial for maintaining hair density. 3. Enhances Hair Thickness: PRP not only promotes new hair growth but also improves the thickness and volume of existing hair. This results in fuller, healthier-looking locks over time. 4. Natural and Non-Surgical: Since PRP uses your body’s own platelets, the treatment is natural and minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or adverse effects. It’s a non-surgical option that requires minimal downtime, making it an appealing choice for many. PRP for Face: Rejuvenate Your Skin 1. Stimulates Collagen Production: PRP therapy can work wonders for facial rejuvenation. The growth factors in the platelet-rich plasma stimulate collagen and elastin production, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. 2. Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Regular PRP treatments can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a smoother, more youthful texture. It targets problem areas, such as crow’s feet, smile lines, and forehead wrinkles. 3. Improves Skin Tone and Texture: PRP can enhance overall skin tone and texture, addressing issues like dullness, rough patches, and uneven pigmentation. The treatment promotes healthier, more radiant skin by boosting cell turnover and regeneration. 4. Minimizes Scarring: For those dealing with acne scars or other types of facial scarring, PRP can be particularly beneficial. The growth factors aid in the healing and remodeling of scar tissue, leading to a more even skin surface over time. The PRP Treatment Process: What to Expect Consultation: Before undergoing PRP therapy, you’ll have a consultation with a qualified medical professional to assess your suitability for the treatment and discuss your goals. Blood Draw: A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test. Processing: The blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components. This process concentrates the platelets and growth factors. Injection: The PRP is injected into the targeted areas on your scalp or face. For facial treatments, microneedling may be used in conjunction with PRP to enhance absorption and effectiveness. Recovery: PRP therapy is minimally invasive, with most patients experiencing only mild redness or swelling, which subsides within a few days. You can typically resume your normal activities shortly after the procedure. Is PRP Right for You? PRP therapy is a versatile and effective treatment for both hair restoration and facial rejuvenation. However, individual results can vary, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations. Consulting with a skilled practitioner at La Fameux Derma Clinic will help you determine if PRP is the right option for your specific needs. By incorporating PRP treatments into your beauty regimen, you can harness the power of your body’s natural healing abilities to achieve thicker hair and more youthful skin. Embrace the benefits of PRP and experience the confidence that comes with looking and feeling your best.

Hair Transplant, skin

Pre & Post Holi Skin & Hair Care Tips

Pre Holi Skin Care Tips To Protect Your Skin First, find out what you can do to cover your skin from dust, colours, pollutants, sunrays and thingamabob! Then are some essentialpre-Holi skincare tips. Indeed before you venture outside, wash your face and apply some moisturizer having an SPF of 50 Apply some virgin olive canvas on your face and neck veritably precisely and use a piece of blotting paper to get relieve of the redundant canvas Moisturize your body and you may use a moisturizer or coconut canvas or almond canvas for the same Cover yourself from sunburns with SPF 50 sunblocks and sunscreens but you may refrain from doing so, if your moisturizer contains an SPF of 20 and above Apply some lip balm or petroleum jelly to your lips Apply generous amounts of petroleum jelly in the areas girding your cognizance and eyes to help colours from settling around those areas Cover your nails too! It’s better to cut your nails before Holi. Use dark-coloured nail paints to help your nails from being stained by colours. Apply some olive canvas on your nails before you begin playing with colours To insure fresh protection for your skin from all the sun and colours, you should wear clothes that can cover nearly all the corridor of your body. Wear clothes made of permeable and light fabric like cotton Staying doused is maybe the most important Holi skincare tip. This is because it can help your skin from looking breathless and dry formerly Holi is over Pre Holi Hair Care Tips To Help Hair Damage Find out how to cover your beautiful permanents from damage! Nothing is a addict of dry, limp hair but all those poisonous chemicals plant in colours may leave your hair damaged. So, how to help that? Simple! Just apply generous quantities of canvas to your hair before stepping out to immerse yourself in colours We all love exhibiting our hair but Holi isn’t the right occasion to do that. So, it would be good if you tie your hair up in a bun or a plat The stylish way to cover your hair is to cover it with a cap or indeed with scarves or dupattas 10 Effective Post Holi Skin Care Tips No matter how hard you try, you can not cover yourselves fully from the flurry of colours. Complete protection can hardly be guaranteed indeed after following all the preventives. So, what are the post holi skin care tips that you can follow? To begin with, wash your face with cold water and a nice face marshland, rather a raging face marshland Also, you may apply some coconut canvas or olive canvas to your face and wash it off after about five twinkles Applying manual face masks containing sandalwood (chandan), turmeric (haldi) and so on would be excellent as they will have a soothing effect on your skin and will also help you in removing all the colours fluently Feel free to apply face packs containing constituents like curd and honey or papaya and olive canvas to help moisturize your skin You can indeed go for ubtans to deal with stubborn stains along with acne, papules and so on It would be good if you refrain from applying a lot of makeup on your face for a couple of days You can treat your sunburns by rubbing ice on them and to help farther sunburns consider applying sunscreen every day Avoid going to parlours for a many days after the fests and let your skin heal It’s important to apply some good sanctification agent to your body to get relieve of colours and also the poisons that they contain. This should be followed up by trimming and moisturizing your skin too Do n’t vacillate to consult a skin care specialist in case any vexation on your skin aggravates or if analogous problems crop up Post Holi Hair Care Tips A careful reading of the below section will help you in erecting apost-Holi skincare routine for yourself. Everyone needs to make a routine like this. This is because after Holi skincare may come a major cause for concern for numerous. Then are some effectivepost-Holi hair care tips. During thepost-celebration phase, you should apply soap to your hair precisely to get relieve of all the colours from your crown and hair Once you finish with the below step, remember to apply conditioner to your permanents to help them from getting limp A veritably important tip is to apply manual hair masks to help your cinches, beaches and ringlets recapture their shine and strength. For case, you may consider using a admixture of honey, eggs and yoghurt as a hair mask Avoid hair styling, hair gels and sprays for a couple of weeks So now you have gained ample knowledge regarding Holi skin and hair care tips. To make the utmost of Holi this time make sure to be aware of all the Holi tips for skin and hair care!

Hair Transplant


During the 4 to 6 hour operation, there are no cutting, scarring, pain, or stitches, which makes our technique unique. La Fameux Derma Clinic provides a painless and scar-free hair transplantation service in Noida and Vaishali. Hair loss is a big issue that both men and women experience at some point in their lives. Androgenetic alopecia is the most frequent kind, which is genetically determined. Nutritive, hormonal, environmental, and other factors can also have a part. The action of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the active form of the hormone testosterone, on the receptors present in the hair follicles causes balding in androgenetic alopecia. Hair Transplantation Principles The notion of Donor Dominance’is used in hair transplant surgery. Indeed in joe with severe hair loss, hair on the reverse and sides of the crown continues to grow throughout his life. The hormonal influence has little effect on this hair. Hair that has been scattered to the bald area grows typically and can be washed, trimmed, and nominated as asked. According to the stylish hair transplant clinic in Noida, Utmost cases will need- or further grafts from this patron hair transplant- banner, which can be done in one or further sessions. As the person’s periods and balding advance, further hair transplant sessions may be needed. Though the exact pattern of hair loss is insolvable to anticipate, it’s pivotal to keep in mind that further hair loss is nearly certain. Medical remedy, PRP (Platelet Rich Tube), ray hair stimulation, and hair transplantation can all be used to treat hair loss (FUE, Body Hair transplant). Medical hair loss treatment can help to minimize hair loss, but the overall enhancement is minimum. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) In the FUE process, follicular units are uprooted one by one from the reverse of the crown using micro-punches of0.8 and1.0 mm periphery. Aches aren’t needed because the patron area heals in many days without leaving a conspicuous scar. Post-operative pain is minimum, and utmost of our cases are back to their normal routines in no further than two days. Advanced Fue (Bio-Stimulated Fue) This procedure combines FUE hair transplantation with Platelet Rich Tube remedy (PRP), which improves both residual and transplanted hairs by fitting high attention of growth factors right to the hair roots, stimulating STEM CELLS. These growth factors are deduced from the blood of the case. The hair follicles to be scattered are kept in a specific result enhanced with the case’s own growth factors, and this concentrated result of growth factors is fitted into the entire affected area at the conclusion of the operation.

Hair Transplant

Right way of scalp oiling – How to Apply Hair Oil

How to Apply hair oil Are you still looking for the best ways to apply hair oils? If the solution is yes, then this is often the proper place to be in. People often complain about not getting desired results after a correct hair massage. that’s probably because they’re not using the oil the right way. Hair oils are one of the foremost effective and beneficial hair care products which will give your strong and silky hair. Here we’ll allow you to realize a number of the simplest methods to use hairdressing effectively. Hair oils are available in differing types and of varied brands. Amongst numerous products, it is often difficult for anyone to settle on the proper product. But the proper message from the wrong hairdressing type won’t benefit your hair in any sense. There are certain ways in which should be implemented to urge effective results out of hairdressing. What are the advantages of using hair oils? Well, there are many benefits of adding hair oils to your hair care routine. Hair oils are made from several effective and required ingredients that collectively provide nourishment to the hair. This doesn’t sum up being the sole advantage of using hair oils. Below mentioned are a number of the opposite advantages that you simply can get after using these oils for hair. The best thanks to growing your hair are by giving them proper nourishment. And you’ll provide proper moisture and nutrients to your hair by applying the proper quiet hair oils. The regular use of hair oils prevents your hair and scalp from several bacterial and fungal infections. One of the main benefits of massaging your head with hairdressing is it helps to rejuvenate the loss thanks to chemical treatments. It also relaxes nerves within the brain, thus facilitating blood circulation within the head area. Hair may be a protein strand that has its roots within the epidermal cells. The follicle is nourished by oiling regularly. The weak protein often results in several problems like split ends and baby hair. It also prevents embarrassing hair problems like dandruff. The regular use of the hair oils will add shine and luster to the hair strands. Top tips to apply hair oils effectively Using hair oils correctly will give you much more benefits than the traditional way of using them. lately, people became less caring about their hair health due to the unhealthy and hectic lifestyle they need to adapt to. Hair is undeniably the foremost important part of your overall personality. Therefore, we’ve compiled a number of the simplest methods that you simply can implement to use hair oils effectively. If you’ve got an overactive scalp that produces more oil than regular then it’s not okay to feature more oil to your scalp. Before you begin oiling your hair, it’s important for you to settle on the proper quiet oil. Fortunately, there are different sorts of oils for various sorts of hair. So, identify your type and choose the foremost suitable one. Now, before applying the hairdressing, you ought to first untangle the hair. Make sure to hide all the parts of the scalp and hair strands in order that you’ll recover and improved results. Split your hair into two parts and don’t forget to use hair to the hair strands. Massage your head and scalp well in order that the oil can reach the deeper layers and roots to offer you desired hair. After you’re through with oiling your hair, comb them and tie them properly to avoid hair fall.

Hair Transplant

No Pain & No Scar Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss can have a very detrimental effect on the social life and the self-confidence of most people whether it’s men who suffer from hair loss or the women who face it. There are times when use to hide their balding area by using wigs either due to the lack of solution or simply because they might not afford hair loss treatments. Hair loss can happen to anyone and lately, it’s been even reported that teenagers also are facing it thanks to excessive use of hair products and coverings. Hair loss may be a condition that has affected many and lots of people all across the world. Hair loss is often treated but some products don’t guarantee that they’re going to grow your hair especially within the case when the follicles are dormant for an extended period of your time. It depends on how severe the hair loss has been and consistent with it, multiple procedures are suggested. it’s now possible to regrow a considerable amount of hair without taking medication or applying something for the remaining part of your life. Hair transplant lately has become quite a viable option for people availing various hair transplant solutions that also include dedicated cosmetic treatments like eyebrow and eyelash transplant. it’s basically a surgical hair restoration technique that needs an incision so as to urge rid of some of the scalp, usually at the rear of the top, to get the donor grafts. the entire procedure is very delicate and requires careful precision by hair surgeons. Doctors can also suggest varied hair care tips after the procedure in order that complete assurance is completed.   A hair transplant is a great option as long as the patient is aware of the post-transplant care. The implants that are done require proper care throughout the entire recovery procedure and need patience and obedience from the patient. It becomes the duty and the responsibility of the patient to maintain a healthy environment for his/her new hair implants to bloom. Hair transplantation cost is additionally much affordable as compared to the other treatments. Plus, it recovers fast and is nearly scar-less. Hair loss is a concern in many people and throughout the years, the technology has significantly improved. Haircare tips are those that act as a guide for you to take care of those healthy locks and make a long-lasting impression after the hair transplant.

Hair Transplant

THE BALD TRUTH – the great News About PRP Treatment for Male and female Pattern Baldness

PRP may be a new and promising arena in hair growth and rejuvenation treatment. Simple and cost-effective, PRP may be a feasible treatment option for androgenic alopecia, with high overall patient satisfaction. Hair loss or baldness affects up to a staggering 80% of men and 50% of girls during their lifetime. Though common, the condition is that the source of hysteria for several people and intrinsically , has been linked to low self-esteem and depression. in need of a surgical hair transplant which may be a fairly extreme measure, treatment options are frustratingly elusive – so far . The evidence from research so far is stacking up. Just last year, experts reviewed the results of twelve different studies, and therefore the conclusion? PRP demonstrated therapeutic effectiveness for AGA in over 83% of the tests. How Is PRP Administered For Baldness? PRP treatment for baldness is a two-step process: A patient’s blood is drawn, after which the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the red blood cells via a centrifuge. The Platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the collected blood and re-administered to the affected areas of the scalp via multiple tiny injections. Each session typically takes about hour . Are There Any Side Effects Of PRP Therapy For Hair Loss? There are no significant adverse effects related to PRP therapy for baldness. What you’ll experience is tolerable but temporary discomfort during treatment, a light headache, itching, slight swelling, and peeling or flakiness of the scalp. There’s still tons to find out about PRP for the treatment of hair loss, and it remains the topic of continued research and scientific testing, but results thus far are highly encouraging. Who Can Have PRP Therapy for Baldness? While there aren’t any explicit recommendations, there are a number of people who will experience the simplest results. Such people include: Men and ladies who’ve experienced natural thinning and balding Men and ladies with location-based hair loss (such because the temples and crown) Men and ladies who are overall healthy. PRP is inherently safe, using 100% employing a patient’s own blood cells (known as ‘autologous’) removes the danger of an allergy or rejection. It’s suitable for all skin tones and safe for pregnant or breastfeeding patients. The best possible thanks to tell if PRP is true for you is to form a meeting for a free consultation with one among our experienced cosmetic nurses at La Fameux Derma. Their commitment to a typical of excellence ensures you’ll get not only the simplest opinion but the simplest care also .

Hair Transplant

How long does it deem grafts to line after a hair transplant?

A great deal of attention is paid to identifying and fixing the factors that affect the survival of grafts after hair transplantation. the many factors that influence the transplanted graft include the patient’s health, characteristics of the hair, and therefore the operative procedures. Usually, the healing process or the time for the transplanted grafts to settle is around 8-10 days. Do all transplanted hair grafts grow? Graft rupture is extremely rare within the primary few days after hair transplantation. Often, patients think that the hair that falls out after a transplant is that the grafted hair. Studies reported that survival rates of grafts are about 90% to overflow 100%. However, a couple of doctors reach 100% graft survival when performed in ideal circumstances. In other cases, graft survival might drop well below 100%, consistent with many experienced hair transplant surgeons. Factors affecting hair graft survival: Most of the time, hair transplantation and graft survival go smooth because hair transplant experts choose ideal candidates for transplantation. However, the factors that affect the survival of grafts are:- Donor scalp issues Surgery day conditions physical damage to the grafts Dehydration Surgical technique used Blunt trauma Ischemia-reperfusion injury Graft storage issues. Aftercare tips for hair transplantation: After a couple of days of surgery, you’ll wash your hair. But use only mild shampoos as suggested by the doctor for the primary few weeks. Here are some measures provided by our hair transplant experts in Noida. Some people can return to figure in about 3 days, while some may take quite every week. Don’t brush or comb on your new grafts for about 3 weeks. Don’t wear hats or tie hankies or pullover shirts and jackets over the new grafts until everything has returned to normal. You should hamper exercise a minimum of the primary month to scale back scarring. Don’t worry when some hairs fall out; it’s a part of the method. The transplanted hair grafts won’t grow seamlessly, and should not match the encompassing hair for a couple of months. How many grafts do I want for a hair transplant? At La Fameux Derma, we maintain a top quality of transplant hair. the amount of grafts that require to be transplanted is predicated on the bald area. However, our experts say that the utmost number of grafts which will be transplanted at some point is approximately 4,000 for FUT or FUE. on average, in each hair graft, an individual has 2 hairs. this is often nearly 8,000 hairs in FUT and FUE hair transplant. Will I Lose Hair Grafts After a Hair Transplant? Most people fear they’re going to go bald even after a hair transplant. Typically, after five months of hair transplantation, the transplanted grafts shed out, providing space for brand spanking new hairs to grow in. Shedding may be a natural action and a part of the hair growth cycle, and this is often good for transplanted hair. However, in some people, the prevailing hair is sensitive to dihydrotestosterone(the hormone liable for hair loss) leading to thinning and hair loss. After some years, the non transplanted hair loses, and you’ll go bald if you are doing not follow preventive measures. Want to understand more about hair transplantation in Noida, consult our expert hair transplant surgeons in Noida.